by Myrte | Feb 25, 2021 | Bottle feeding, Health, Zonder categorie
Kunstvoeding geven als je borstvoeding had willen geven Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch....
by Myrte | Apr 23, 2020 | Breastfeeding
I write a book about breastfeeding Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch....
by Myrte | Nov 16, 2019 | General
Breastfeeding(help) in times of Covid-19 It’s a nasty paradox. With the threat of a virus that causes airway infections breastfeeding is even more important than normal. And that just when we all get the advice to minimise close physical contact. Breastfeeding is...
by Myrte | Nov 16, 2019 | Concorde
Cutting the mast? I regularly hear an analogy of a sailing vessel to explain why it is important to treat a tonguetie invasively. In this analogy the tonguetie is the sail. Only freeing the superficial tie (the sail) would be inefective because the stiff base of the...
by Myrte | Oct 22, 2019 | Breastfeeding, Lactation consultant, Zonder categorie
Plumber/ mediator He asks me what kind of work I do. We meet over a glass of wine at a party. He is in his late sixties, h as no children and never been involved in any, so my answer ‘lactation consultant’ doesn’t mean anything to him. ‘Whát do...