
From the end of March 2024, my podcast Breastfeeding Beyond Protocols will be online. In Dutch. Short episodes about all kinds of aspects around breastfeeding, from getting started to weaning, with sometimes a bit of history and or politics thrown in. Aimed at healthcare professionals in the hope that more people will become curious about that whole complex system around infant feeding.
In addition, you can read in-depth content in my online book Breastfeeding Beyond Protocols.
You can also find content on breastfeeding in my blogs. Use the search function or the categories in the column below to quickly find what you are looking for.
- For example, about the Concorde feeding position.
- About going from bottle feeding (back) to breastfeeding, but also about bottle refusal.
- And about what a lactation consultant can offer you and why we prefer to see you in person rather than working online.
Are you a maternity nurse, kraamverzorgende or midwife? I regularly give workshops on open enrolment at